Saturday, April 18, 2009

Call Center Customer Satisfation - Let the CSR be a Judge!

It is SQM's *) viewpoint that CSRs should be a judge of whether or not your call centers' people, processes and technology are working to provide high levels of First Call Resolution (FCR) and Customer Satisfaction (Csat).

SQM's employee FCR survey is substantially different from the typical organizational employee survey because it focuses on FCR and Csat from a CSR's point of view. One of the best places to start improving Employee Satisfaction (Esat) and Csat, or to ensure that Csat is taking place, is to actually use CSR feedback.

Top performing Esat and Csat call centers use employee feedback at all levels as one of their primary tools to ensure Csat is taking place and to make Esat and Csat improvements. CSRs are in an excellent position to judge whether the people, processes and technology are working properly to provide quality service.

As previously mentioned, it is SQM's viewpoint that customers should be the judge for determining their level of satisfaction with the way the call was handled and if their call was resolved. Therefore in order to make meaningful people, process and technology improvements and to make the call center experience better for the customers who call and for the CSRs who handle the calls you must also let your CSR be a judge!

*) Source: SQM Group, Call Center Quality Assurance Specialists

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