Monday, March 30, 2009

Manage your Moments of Truth or be mediocre

In 1981, Jan Carlzon became CEO of the problem-ridden Scandinavian Airlines. By 1994, he had turned the airline around by focusing on what he later called "moments of truth," the various points at which people with the airline came in contact with airline customers.

These days, the term used is Customer Experience Management (CEM), because every hot trend needs a three letter acronym! CEM has filled in some of gaps in conventional CRM thinking, which often is too internally focused on managing customer data and revenue.
Meanwhile, it's the customers' perception of all their interactions with your (company) brand that drives much of the value they receive.

FYI: My proven Customer Experience Workshop helps comapnies take stock of their Moments of Truth and identify improvement opportunies as well as internal barriers to success. Email me for a service brochure.

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